Monday, January 7, 2013

Dorm Food

Well has the class of  2013 is getting ready to graduate soon maybe its time to start thinking about ways to be healthy inside of your dorm rather then eating out all the time.There are about 4 great ideas to eat healthy  in your dorm room.

1.) Make sure you eat breakfast every morning


2.) Learn some healthy microwave recipes


3.)  Choose prepared or processed microwave food carefully

4.) Make good choices when you visit your campus dining facilities


  1. It's always hard to eat healthy when you are on the go so often in college. These are good tips.

  2. This post is really good! Thanks for the information, i will be sure to use this when i go to college :)

  3. Wonderful tips for soon-to-be-college freshmen. I'm sure to remember these when I'm out of high school.

  4. this is a good post, and good tips ! since i'll be off to college soon !:P
